Thursday 23 May 2019


Beyond ideas of right and wrong
There is a field.
I'll meet you there.


Wednesday 13 March 2019


Bullies like Fatty Robbo formed me.
After terrorized weeks he got me,
But only a bloodied nose.
I got a second clout
For what I called him in front of Mum.
“Go sort it out” she said. I did.
Jumping him in his own hallway
I gave him the glad news.
And that ended that.

Ever since I’ve hated bullying.
So I feel for the cock pheasant
Having his beak pushed in it
On the long drive,
Harried by his rival every few seconds:
A dandy in finery going to no ball.
I deal with the bully.
A .22 and a roasting pan.
That old element of surprise.

Tuesday 12 February 2019


Da dah!
We wake to your glory, great one!
You’ve bejewelled everything,
Transforming the ordinary.
And I’ve got to say.
It’s miraculous
And beautiful.
But the ordinary still gets my vote:
Looking harder to see the divine
In a black thorn,
Finding God in clay,
Blades of grass,
A fir cone.
In other words,
We don’t need your glad rags
To start in.
Anyone, sing.
Anyone, go and look.
Anyone, put a pen to a white page.


Do what you can
With what you've got.

Wednesday 6 February 2019


Beating myself up,
Who is doing the beating?
And who is being beaten?

Friday 25 January 2019


He said ‘Hadestown’, my son,
And I pretended to have heard it wrong:
‘I’ve been there.
Got drunk in the Tavern overlooking the wild reeds
And the deceptive fens,
With their dark hoards, pike
And treacherous mud depths.
Tried to cycle home.
Fell off. Hurt myself.
Had to sleep in a barn.
As though of Lethe I had drunk.
It was cold.
I turned my duffel coat round for warmth.
When I woke up
I thought I was dead.
Black hood, you see’.
He looked at me like I was mad.
Where Sebald went.
Not far from the sugar beet plant.
Mud. A rookery at Loddon, by the church
Where I sang as a visiting chorister
And afterwards was fed sandwiches and cake
By old ladies finding boys to tempt and spoil,
Ladies who ran the fetes.’
Aghast, he said, ‘Hades, Dad. Hades’.
‘Wasn’t that bad’, I said.

Tuesday 8 January 2019


Build an observatory of your own mind.