Saturday, 4 July 2009


In the words of Pseuds corner: "So. Farewell. Andy Murray."

And let it be a lesson to us all.

There he is: a young man who is tall, fit, reasonably good looking, incredibly successful, absolutely loaded, with a nice looking girlfriend and......... surely one of the top three people you'd least like to get stuck in a lift with.

You can't write it off as him just being a dour Scot. I know plenty of Scots of various hues of dourness, and they ain't even in his league. He might "only" make the semi final at Wimbledon, but if there was a Grand Slam at being a totally miserable c*nt, his name would be engraved on the board.

Now, maybe I'm wrong. Maybe with a couple of Glenfiddich and cokes inside him he's a wild, chilled guy. But there could be a lesson here. Look. Learn.

Does success make you happy?
Does money make you happy?
Does having a loving partner make you happy?
Does being a winner make you happy?
Does being fit make you happy?
Does influence, power and being in the media make you happy?

Apparently not, dear reader.

And so it is. These things don't make you happy. You make them happy. Or not. It's your choice.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you back blogging, I have to agree about Andy Murray, however being stuck in a lift with his girlfriend might make me happy for a transient moment
