Thursday, 13 October 2011


We're mad about the weather in Britain. We've got plenty of it to be mad about. But then, I wouldn't want to live in constant sunshine. Too bland. Sometimes a few less extremes would be welcome though.
One thing which we get locally, in our big skies, is the God moment. You know the one, when shafts of light blaze through parted dark clouds. I've heard more than one person say "there's God".
So it is also I've found with moods. There you are, bumbling along in the dark clouds, seeing little but your own failures and shortcomings (to which we English are also peculiarly attached) when suddenly whoomf - everything becomes illuminated, and one can see with great clarity the lit up paths of right and wrong, who is hero and who is villain, who is abuser and who is abused, and the deep patterns of human behaviour, rolling like cloud formations ever onward, parted and illuminated only briefly with the light of recognition and forgiveness, otherwise clouded by the awful inescapable weather of living.

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