Sunday 19 August 2012


My friends were talking about spirituality. They had a book of spiritual exercises and tests and were congratulating themselves on how well they scored. Especially on attachment. They had learnt not to be attached.
When I reached over and tore a page out of their book, what do you think happened?

1 comment:

  1. Did they:
    a) Question your violent need to damage things
    b) Look on you in a troubled and holier-than-though way
    c) shout 'what the f*** are you doing?'
    d) offer you more pages

    If you chose mostly a's - then you are not a Buddhist, you are a life coach
    If you chose mostly b's - then you are on your way to irritating the hell out of everyone else
    If you chose mostly c's - then you are normal, congratulations
    If you chose mostly d's - then you have missed the key elements of Buddhism and seem to have become a Christian instead...
