Monday, 18 May 2015


Along the Berry road, quite a few bystanders have called out "maverick" as I passed.

I had taken this as a not too dreadful insult, much as if I had heard the word eccentric muttered as I passed on a recumbent cycle.

Rather undeniable, if not positively welcome.

But now I've checked the etymology.

Back in the 19th century a Texas ranch owner either couldn't be bothered, or neglected to brand his cattle. His name? Samuel Maverick. A maverick became a term to describe cattle with no one's brand on their back.

Now, then, it is clearly a compliment.

Long may I stray beyond enclosure. Long may I evade another's ownership. Long may the branding iron be withheld from my hide.


  1. stuartmaclennan21 May 2015 at 23:32

    A lovely sentiment, Mr B. Unbranded and free to roam - intellectually, conversationally and professionally. Nothing enhances the quality of a debate more than a genuinely fresh idea or challenge..........

  2. And you, Sir, are amongst the few to provide it. Your steading is an expression of a to be satisfied desire to free the inner maverick. Thanks for reading.
