Thursday, 25 January 2018


I've never tried writing film reviews before. These will hardly qualify. But the weather is cold and uninviting, the nights dark early, and tis the season for seeing movies.



A film about anger. I don't know if the Director knew the Buddhist quote, that anger is a hot coal. Pick it up and throw it at your enemy. Maybe you will burn your enemy. But you will certainly burn yourself.

Bravura acting, a great message, a plot which keeps you awake. And upliftingly unlike most Hollywood movies.


Gary Oldman plays Churchill.

Imagine Hollywood as a great circus of people who started off life in school plays.

Now imagine they are still at that standard, only doing their stuff on a big screen near you.

Cobblers, really.


Seen on DVD.

Ken Loach trowels on heaps of anti capitalist, anti conservative, anti system drama. And slaps it on very heavy duty. Daniel Blake, well acted, is a man of skills and dignity facing a Kafkaesque version of the benefits system with all its inhumanity to man. Trouble is, his desperation doesn't quite wash. he makes beautiful things from wood. Why doesnt he just sell them? He'd make a small fortune.

It's wooden, this film. Like all propoganda.



Quite a climb. I didn't make the summit, and only just made it back, revived by a hot apple juice and a biscuit. Not sure it was worth it.

Still, I fared better than most.

All those actors dying. A shocking waste. But Pierce Brosnan came out ok.

Nice views of mountains though.

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