When I was a boy I could never have dreamed that I would have a gage. I now have two in my orchard. Both seem to love it there. If anything, more than other trees I have planted. One is still a junior - no crop yet. The other has just had its first fruit reach readiness. I was almost the first to spot it. But no. The wasps got there first. But today has seen me claim what is rightfully mine and not theirs, the glorious green globes for which any man would feel a surge of desire. I have claimed probably all up nearly five or six sweet kilos - a hell of a haul. Mainly I've turned them into Reine Claude vodka, assisted by large amounts of sugar and a lot of horrid cheap vodka. In twelve months it will be something special. And I deserve it. Those wasps didn't give in without a fight. I was probably stung twenty or so times. And one especially stubborn little bastard embedded himself in the crook of my arm, where he stung me five or six times. I must admit I had to go running to Missus for some HC45 after that episode, and I was shiveriing for an hour. But the crop came in. And now it is in big Kilner jars, maturing nicely. I can't tell you how pleased I am.
Loving it. I too long for land to plant out in, and to create my own crop. I am proud and jealous!