Sunday 17 July 2011


Here's how you tell if your coach is any good.

Ask him / her if they are in the change business.

If they answer yes, then you know you are in the presence of a numbskull, liar or both.

Coaching is in the awareness business. Nothing more.

Coaching can produce awareness. It cannot produce change. That is in the hands of the client, fate, karma, chance, you name it.

Worse, though, if a coach is aiming at change he or she will always miss it, since the paradox of personal change is that pressure towards it very rarely produces it. Full acceptance and understanding, on the other hand, producing awareness, empowers the client to do whatever changing they are going to do, on their own initiative.

1 comment:

  1. I say I am in the 'winning business'.....
    - Awareness
    - Recognition
    - Goal-setting
    - Strategy
    - Success
