Wednesday, 7 December 2011


Let me invent a product for you.

  • It serves a daily need. Cooking. So far so good.

  • It's about eight times more expensive than its nearest everyday competitor

  • It costs another £150 a year in servicing, which its normal competitors do not

  • It breaks down two or three times a year

  • If you are cooking for more than three people, the temperature will drop to a point where you cannot cook at all

  • If there is an R in the month, or the wind is from anywhere between north and south, or the runes dictate it, the temperature will drop to somewhere near clap cold

  • For five months of the year you can't use it at all

  • You can't adjust the temperature of its cooking surfaces

  • You can't practically own one unless you also own another, backup oven.

Yes. It's an Aga.

People swear by them.

Me too.


  1. You forgot 'and it makes you feel like a proper country person' as it is imbued with the aura of magical timeless ness

    which is of course BS

  2. Exactly. Should read - makes you feel squirearchical in your middle class comfortable home.
    Of course, if as I do, you live in, as the Germans call it Tote Hose (literally dead trousers = the boondogs / the extreme sticks)beyond the reach of mains gas and with the only other option being propane (unconscionable)then you really are knackered. I looked at Aga Rangemasters share price. A long term disaster. Not surprising.
