Monday 2 February 2009


When you go fishing you use a surgeon's knot. And so the fly stays on the line. You've got to be nimble to tie one. I struggle. But then, I'm not a surgeon. If I were, I just might gain that admirable dexterity. Tying knots might be life or death then.
A perfect knot is a thing of beauty. A perfect conversation with a bight and bitter end. Just occasionally I've see one tied. A Turk's Head. A perfect bowline. A timely hitch. Once, in the Celtic sea, a full lash which held a mainsheet. Tying unlike things perfectly together. And today I saw one. A surgeon's knot it was, beautifully done.

1 comment:

  1. Well Henry congratulations on this blog!
    I sure am going to be logging in whenever I can to find out what's going on....
    reading the lines, reading in between the lines, underlining but never undermining and so I could go on. When will you be taking that left arm of yours for a trip round the southern french mountains? Why was that jacket crumpled ? I wonder as I am about to turn in and looking forward to reading more of this (not sure what exactly to call it ) blog .
