Wednesday, 4 February 2009


It changed our interactions so that people recognise more the basics of survival in others. E.g. Clearing the old dear's path. The van driver who pulls aside in the lane and for whom I then have concerns about him being able to get back onto it; our waves mean very slightly more than thanks, mate. Saying are you ok to someone slipping. Just two or three sentences more to my neighbour walking his dog. More exchange with Pete, our fantastic postman. Just that little bit more concern.
Which is why its going leaves me missing it. That, and the fun of getting the Range Rover into low transfer and messing about on and off road around the lanes.
Yesterday, the snow was all beauty - Nature the signwriter's drop-shadow on branches, emphasizing her creation. Today, in a dull purplish dawn, it looks like it regrets its own diappearance.


  1. I like this one. It reminds me of when I was in 'Nam during the Tet offensive. We were sniffing out the gooks who were based just over the ridge when the snow started falling.

    Difficult times back then. The summer of '69 is one I wouldn't want to sing about.

  2. it was the same at the somme
