Saturday 26 February 2011


I'm about to gush.

Sometimes one sees something so brilliant, it demands it.

The Missus and I have started dating again, a luxury enabled by doing the deal of all childcare deals. At my age a hot date isn't as hot as it used to be. A good deal less hot than a Range Rover's exploding coolant system. Still, amor vincit omnia.

Thus, we have made a couple of forays into the local art house cinema.

One was to see the King's Speech. Highly recommended, and a performance enough to convince me that Colin Firth is an actor after all, and not just a cardboard cutout.

But last night we went to see Never Let Me Go. It has shot on one viewing (the first of many, I think) to the top of my all time greatest film list. I've rarely seen such a densely packed piece of brilliance. It should be compulsory viewing for every English speaking person. Yes, Carey Mulligan, Keira Knightley and the other actors are great, but it's the screenplay based on Kazuo Ishiguro's novel which is the real source of the brilliance. That, and the direction, locations and cinematography. What we end up with is a searing, shocking, devastating critique of western society inside a sad little love story. Layers, layers, more layers. A film to get you talking, arguing, and even reevaluating your own life.

Not often I'd say a film is life changing. But this is.

Go and see it.


Or else.


  1. Loved the King's Speech. Looking forward to NLMG.
    Good time for film.
    ps did not realise that the burned up Range Rover was yours. Apols for the flippant comment.
    Not what you want.

  2. Its ok Johnners

    It wasn't actiually mine in the picture

    I posted that to wind up my son. It worked.

    My rangie did go pop, with quite a bit of smoke, but not quite as dramatic as this picture.

    DO go see NLMG. utterly fantastic film. I'll be going again, and maybe more than once.
